Zai & Dean
Here's to my friend. A good friend, a close one too. The one who most changed before NS, and that guy is Dean.
To Dean, going to NS takes you to another path. I've seen you changed. When you first came into the TG picture, you were that any normal juvenile kid. But when I see you now, you're no longer that kid. You're a changed person. You learnt a lot from working with Nike didn't you ? You proved to others what you can acheive when you put your heart into it. You earned yourself a decent bike, earned yourself a living for that moment. I'm proud to be part of you.
I thought I'd never find a picture of you with me. Haha. You have the cool factor bro. Don't be sad just because you're going away, we'll be here slacking our ass off while you're gone. Well if you think you didn't come prepared, you're wrong. You have a different mindset now. I may not know about NS yet, but I've heard its fun. Go on, make a lot of friends.
Psst, I'm still proud to have a changed person slacking with me all this while. It feels good to be with someone you know who has changed. It really does, I'm sure our other bros feels the same way too. See you later dude, more pictures for you.
Take care