Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lets play with numbers

Number for today is 3 and 5.

Why 3 and 5 ? Today is my 3 years and 5 months monthsary.
Its not always that I blew things up on this kind of date. But it happens that you always have to bottle up and keep things from me. Cause you know what's gonna happen. But you never thought, that I might have not been like how I used to. You still keep things from me, no matter the countless times I admit stuffs to you. Though I know it hurts. You say that you didn't react like me, but you get frustrated deep inside. If I have no time, why would I go to the library to read up on stuffs. I could have used that time to teach you maths. But no, I didn't get the privilege to do that. Instead he's just a friend and your mom pays to teach you. Am I no different, I'm not about the pay. I feel so pathetic.
You kept this from me...

3: the number of times we've broken our relationship.
the number of times I caught you with 3 guys who liked you at seperate ocassions.
the number of times I blew my top because of the situations you put me into.
when you rush at the eleventh minute, you walk with no dignity.
because of your rush, your desperate need for something tends to put me out of your head.
no matter how many times you tell me that I've never left your head.
you're just that kid who is just confused.
and I'm just that kid who cannot control the emotions.
when the truth surface, you stoned. you walk away. where is your responsibility, love ?
where is your crystal pride and dignity that you once had ?

5: the number of years we've been friends.

yet you cannot understand me.
I am very disappointed. Just keep on keeping stuffs away from me.

ps: happy 3 year 5 months

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